Acupuncture is not always safe!!!
How much safe is acupuncture?
Maximum time we thought that acupuncture is safe. But we read that thing in advertisement that it is completely safe, it is not actually. Researcher has been revealed that acupuncture is not completely safe by researching a project about the harmful effects of acupuncture. Acupuncture is a process of relief of pain or diseases from body by needling pin or desensitization of localized area.
By surveying on a government clinic of acupuncture in United Kingdom, researcher found that in extreme level acupuncture becomes life threatening. But it gets support from government to do this practice.
Adjard Arnost, researcher of University of Exetar , help this researches to come out at International Journal of Risk and Safety.
Under the National Health Service institute of UK (NHS), agents of ‘National Patient Safety Agency’ collect all the documents of those patients who suffered harmful effects of acupuncture treatment from 2009 to 2011. Traditionally trained doctors and therapist done this in clinics. Adverse effects of acupuncture found in 325 cases but the total number of people whose take this treatment is unknown.
Also it is found that in 10% cases patient got adverse effect in Germany and UK. And there is also found carelessness in this treatment like release the patient with needling pin or needling patient for long time. Sometimes there have to do operation to remove the deeply needling pin.
In 309 reports along 325, shows that patient suffers much more than healing. In case of 162 patients they got unconsciousness or fainting. Also 5 patients got injured into their lungs by pin puncture.
Adjard Arnost said, “Usually, there is not more risks in acupuncture, but the problem is it not completely safe. If any patient got breathlessness, the doctors didn’t pay attention to it and send them to home. It may bring harms to patient and even patient got both lungs affected then it will take his life.”
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