Now the pain of Insulin taking may be reduce…

Insulin taking
Now may be the taking of Insulin drug can end. By the combined research of both USA and Australia it reveals. Accompanied scientists have told that they are trying to release most of the diabetes patients from daily painful insertion of Insulin injection to body.
Insulin which is a hormone release from Pancreas and addition with superficial surface of cells of human body and help to preserve carbohydrate or glucose. Then glucose transformed into energy to human body. For the first time scientists has discovered the three-dimensional view of insulin bound to its receptor. In the last edition of ‘Nature’ magazine the research was published. Previously, scientists were unsure about how insulin binds to the receptor on the surface of cells to allow them to take up sugar from the blood and generate energy. Now the scientists have the clear knowledge about the absorption of insulin in surface of cell. 
Scientist Mike Lawrence of Walter and Eliza Hall Medical Research Institute in Melbourne, has told that they are trying to discover new and active treatment method for diabetes and they are doing researches for a long time often 20 years. They got the idea of molecular reaction between the human body cell and insulin hormone by powerful rays like X-rays. Treatment of diseases like Alzheimer and cancer caused by Insulin disorder can be progressed. 
Mike Lawrence also said, “ For the developing country  it is need to discover new and long duration active Insulin which does not require refrigeration.”
Diabetes patients 


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