Atrophic Rhinitis causing you avoidance from others?

Nose Odour Sometimes people got bad odor in nose and they can feel the smell. But sometimes any one can be affected by a disease where the affected person can’t smell his bad odor from his nose.
This disease named as ‘Atrophic Rhinitis’.
For this diseases patient can’t feel his bad odor but people get disturbed for his bad odor from his nose and loss his sensation of smell. The internal membrane of nose become dead, deactivate the sensation. This bad odor will last for a short or long time.
Bad odor in nose can be caused by many reasons. Sinusitis, inflammation or infection in nose, entries of foreign particles can cause bad odor but patient can fell the smell. But in Atrophic rhinitis there occur changes for a long time in membrane of nostril and bones of both side of nasal cavity that the cell of membrane becomes dead. By this nasal cavity filled by dead cells and create bad smell for necrosis of membranes.

Atrophic Rhinitis is two type-

1. Primary Atrophic Rhinitis

2. Secondary Atrophic Rhinitis.

Primary Atrophic Rhinitis

The causes of this disease is unknown but there may be some factors which are considered for this disease like-
· Hereditary- If any member of family had the disease.
· Hormonal disturbances- it usually occur at puberty and diminished after menopause.
· It is seen in whites than blacks.
· Improper nutrition- It may be caused by lack of vitamin A and D or other ingredients of foods.
· Infection- Atrophic Rhinitis caused by some bacteria like-
1. Streptococci,
2. Staphylococci,
3. E-coli,
4. P. vulgaris,
5. Diptheroid etc.
· Immune deficiency- Some bacterial and viral infection may cause reaction against immune system.

Sign and Symptoms:

1. Usually it occur in female after puberty. Sign and symptoms appear soon in puberty.
2. Patient can't feel the bad smell but people get disturbed for bad odor. Rhinitis
3. Patient complains of closed nose because the necrosed or dead cell filled the nasal cavity.
4. Clinically the accumulation of dead cell appears as greenish or grayish color.
5. By the side of the nose there appears a shade line due to damage of nasal bones.
6. Sometimes there may be perforation in middle wall. And it can be cause of bossing nose.
7. In X-ray sinuses appears hue and they are not completely developed , so appears small.



· Keep the nose clean and clear. For this, alcoholic solution is used with syringe for washing the nose. After that 25% glucose with glycerin is pour into nose.This solution inhibit the micro-organism activity.
· Although we can use topical antibiotic ointment or spray (Austradiol spray is used to increase blood flow).
· Also Streptomycin antibiotic is used.

Secondary Atrophic RhinitisNose Anatomy

When Atrophic Rhinitis occur for definite diseases like Syphilis, Leprosy, Lupus and Rhinoscloroma or sometimes it may be due to radiotherapy or operation in nose. If there is deviated nasal septum then cavity of opposite side of deviation can be affected.
Although the diseases does not well easily but it is completely treated with care and proper management ,the patient can be get well soon. But if there any disturbances in treatment then the signs and symptoms will soon appears. Some of people get release from this disease in middle age.


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